To Be There

When you are in the dark corners of your mind
When you are huddled and the sunlight gleans in from the window.

You know it will be bright if you moved toward the window
You know but you don’t.

This isn’t a math problem
This isn’t a limitation on rationality.

So-called friends will tell you they know exactly what you are going through
So-called friends merely lead with their ego’s desire to matter.

The ones who are dying to give advice
The ones who are dying to give you their opinion.

They end up mocking your rationalism
They end up belittling without intending to.

The people that help are those that sit beside you
The people that listen, say nothing and nod along.

The point is for them to feel your helplessness
The point is to experience sitting in darkness with you. 

The point isn’t to solve it
The point is to embrace the normalcy of it.

It’s a lot to ask of someone to sit with you
It’s the kind friends—the true friends—who do.