Leaning into Impracticalities

An idea pops up in your mind. Then you think better of it and kill it.

You kill the spark. Usually because it’s impractical. It’s not realistic.

“What a dumb idea.” You think.

“If only that were possible.” You mutter to yourself.

But for some reason, the data in your brain sparked it based on what you’ve experienced in life.

A unique thread of ideas that only you can see. A thread that only you can follow.

Use the stop as a signal to lean in. To dig at the idea your “rational, logical, and fearful” side of your brain tells you it's impractical.

Is it?

Sometimes it is.

But sometimes, it takes you down a path truly yours with all kinds of upside.

An upside that includes the relief of ‘knowing’ the outcome. An answer to ‘what if’.

I’m learning more and more these are answers that get more expensive with time and increase in value with time.